
Customize the client side alerts to fit the look and feel of your own server

-- msg [string]: Message to display in the notification
-- type [string]: Type of notification to display
-- timeout [int]: Time in milliseconds to display the notification
function Alert(msg, type, timeout)
        type = type,
        description = msg,
        icon = "fas fa-truck",
        duration = timeout,
        position = "top",

Help Message

This is the default GTA help message. It is only shown if the targeting config is set to false

-- Purpose: Function to display a help text notification.
-- text [string]: Text to display in the notification
function HelpText(text)
    DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1)


Various functions that be configured to work with whatever you use to check locks, ownership, permissions... whatever you decide.

I have already added some commented functions and exports for different resources/frameworks that seem to be the most popular. Feel free to use.

This function will check to see if someone can attach the vehicle they are in to the trailer upon pressing the keybind. I have already included an export for the trucking job to see if a player is on an active job, since that resource has its own attachment mechanics

-- Purpose: Function to check if a vehicle can be attached to the trailer.
-- vehicle [int]: Entity of the vehicle to check
-- trailer [int]: Entity of the trailer to check
function CanVehicleBeAttachedToTrailer(vehicle, trailer)
    --This is for the gs-trucking resource. It will check if a player is on an active job so vehicles dont attach to trailers while on a job.
    if IsResourceOnServer("gs-trucking") then 
        if Entity(trailer).state.gs_trucking then
            return false

    return true

This function checks to see if someone can use the trailer they are targeting

-- Purpose: Function to check if player can third eye a trailer.
-- trailer [int]: Entity of the trailer to check
function CanUseTrailer(trailer)
    --Prevent trailers specific to gs-trucking from being used with third eye.
    if IsResourceOnServer("gs-trucking") then 
        if Entity(trailer).state.gs_trucking then
            return false
    --QBcore Vehicle Keys
    --local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
    --local Promise =
    --QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-vehiclekeys:server:checkPlayerOwned', function(playerOwned)
    --    Promise:resolve(playerOwned)
    --end, QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(trailer))
    --local result = Citizen.Await(Promise)
    --return result

    --Quasar Vehicle Keys
    --local result = exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:GetKey(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(trailer))
    --return result

    return true

This function is used to check if the player has permission to be "warped" into the vehicle when using the menu system listing the cars on the trailer

-- Purpose: Function to check if player has ownership of a vehicle on the trailer.
-- trailer_car [int]: Entity of the vehicle on the trailer to check
function HasOwnership(trailer_car)

    --QBcore Vehicle Keys
    --local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
    --local Promise =
    --QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-vehiclekeys:server:checkPlayerOwned', function(playerOwned)
    --    Promise:resolve(playerOwned)
    --end, QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(trailer_car))
    --local result = Citizen.Await(Promise)
    --return result

    --Quasar Vehicle Keys
    --local result = exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:GetKey(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(trailer_car))
    --return result

    return true

On Attached

This function is triggered when a player attaches a vehicle to the trailer. You can execute things such as turning off the engine, locking the doors, etc.

-- Purpose: Function triggered when a vehicle has been attached to trailer.
-- vehicle [int]: Entity of the vehicle attached to the trailer
function VehicleAttachedOnTrailer(vehicle)
    --QBcore Vehicle Keys
    --TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:server:setVehLockState', NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(vehicle), 2)

    --Quasar Vehicle Keys
    --exports["qs-vehiclekeys"]:DoorLogic(vehicle, true, 2, true, true, true)

    SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle, false, true, true)
    SetVehicleDoorsLocked(vehicle, 2)

On Detach

This function is triggered when a player detaches a vehicle from the trailer. You can execute things such as turning on the engine.

-- Purpose: Function triggered when a vehicle has been detached from trailer.
-- vehicle [int]: Entity of the vehicle detached from the trailer
function VehicleDetachedFromTrailer(vehicle)
    SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle, true, true, true)

Vehicle Info

This is where you can manipulate the vehicle name data that is displayed in the target systems menu when displaying a list of vehicles on the trailer

-- Purpose: Function to get the vehicles name from the model.
-- vehicle [int]: Entity of the vehicle to get the name of
function GetVehicleName(vehicle)
    --local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
    --local model = GetEntityModel(vehicle)
    --if QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[model] then return QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[model]["name"] end

    local ModelName = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(vehicle))
    return (GetLabelText(ModelName) ~= "NULL" and GetLabelText(ModelName) or ModelName)

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