You can modify the lua script related to your framework or use the standalone to customize your own solutions. Depending on the framework you chose, these functions may look different.

Police Check

This is where a players job is checked and returns true if they have a configured police job, returns false otherwise

-- Purpose: Check if player is police officer
-- return [bool]: Whether the player is a police officer
function IsPolice()

    return false


This will check if a player owns the motorhome or has keys.

-- Purpose: Function to check if the player has ownership of a vehicle.
-- vehicle [int]: Vehicle entity
-- return [bool]: Whether the player has ownership of the vehicle
function HasOwnership(vehicle)
    --QBcore Vehicle Keys
    --local Promise =
    --Framework.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-vehiclekeys:server:checkPlayerOwned', function(playerOwned)
    --    Promise:resolve(playerOwned)
    --end, Framework.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle))
    --local result = Citizen.Await(Promise)
    --return result

    --Quasar Vehicle Keys
    --local result = exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:GetKey(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle))
    --return result

    return true

Stash / Inventory

Configure an inventory system that works best for you. Triggered when someone interacts with the stash location

-- Purpose: Function to open inventory.
-- vehicle [int]: Vehicle entity
function OpenInventory(vehicle)
    local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)

    --QB Inventory or PS Inventory
    --TriggerServerEvent('inventory:server:OpenInventory', 'stash', 'Mobile_' .. plate, {
    --    maxweight = 500000,
    --    slots = 60
    --TriggerEvent('inventory:client:SetCurrentStash', 'Mobile_' .. plate)

    --Quasar Inventory
    --TriggerServerEvent('inventory:server:OpenInventory', 'stash', 'Mobile_' .. plate)
    --TriggerEvent('inventory:client:SetCurrentStash', 'Mobile_' .. plate)

    --if not exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('stash', 'Mobile_' .. plate) then
    --    TriggerServerEvent('gs-motorhomes:server:registerOx_Inventory', plate, 'Mobile ' .. plate, 500000, 60)
    --    Wait(2000)
    --exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('stash', 'Mobile_' .. plate)

    --TriggerServerEvent('core_inventory:server:openInventory', 'Mobile_' .. plate, 'stash')

    --TriggerEvent('inventory:openHouse', 'HouseStash', 'Mobile_' .. plate, 'House', 500000)

Clothes / Wardrobe

Configure an clothing system that works best for you. Triggered when someone interacts with the wardrobe location

function OpenClothes()

    --QB Clothing

    --rCore Clothing

    --Raid Clothes

    -- Illenium Appearence

    --AK47 Clothing
    --local resp, _ = pcall(function() exports['ak47_clothing']:openOutfit() end)
    --if not resp then
    --    TriggerEvent('ak47_clothing:openOutfitMenu')

    --FiveM Appearence
    --exports['fivem-appearance']:startPlayerCustomization(function(success) end, {ped = true, headBlend = true, faceFeatures = true, headOverlays = true, components = true, props = true, allowExit = true, tattoos = true})

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