Skill Checks

Customize the skill check triggered when player is maintaining a still. Requires a boolean return (true/false)

-- This function is called when the player is maintaining the still
---@return boolean  -- Return true if the player passed the skillcheck
function StillSkillcheck()
    return exports['legends-keypress']:startkp(math.random(8, 10), math.random(6, 8))

Customize the skill check triggered when player is stirring a mash. Requires a boolean return (true/false)

-- This function is called when the player is mixing the mash
---@return boolean  -- Return true if the player passed the skillcheck
function MashSkillcheck()
    return exports['legends-keypress']:startkp(math.random(15, 20), math.random(12, 16))

Equipment Placement

This function is triggered when a player attempts to place equipment. It will pass a string 'Still' or 'Mash' and expects a boolean return. You can use this to prevent players from placing equipment for whatever reason that you decide.

-- This funnction is called before equipment is placed
---@param equipmentType string  -- The type of equipment being placed ('Still' | 'Mash')
function CanPlaceEquipment(equipmentType)
    if equipmentType == 'Still' then
        return true

    if equipmentType == 'Mash' then
        return true

Can Interact

This function is triggered when someone completes a UIPrompt provided by equipment they're interacting with. Expects a boolean returned.

-- This function is called before equipment is interacted with (Only triggered when UIPrompt is completed)
---@return boolean  -- Return true if the player can interact with the equipment
function CanInteractWithEquipmennt()
    return true

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