Dev Mode

You can enable/disable dev mode. It will generate some print info within console. Never should have this enabled in a live server

EnableDev = false, -- Enable/Disable DevMode


You can change the language of the notifications and other plain text elements of this resource.

Note: English is provided and it can be translated to anything that you wish.

Locale = 'en', -- Locale to use


This is where you can make adjustments just as a custom vorp_menu resource name, selected character event (server side), as well as adjusting the menu position

VorpMenu = 'vorp_menu',                                         -- Vorp Menu resource name
VorpMenuPosition = 'top',                                       -- Menu position (left, top-left, top, right, top-right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left)
SelectedCharacterEvent = 'vorp:SelectedCharacter',              -- Server side event triggered when character is selected


You can change the flag prop to any prop you'd like as long as it exists in game. You can also adjust the distance that it spawns.

FlagProp = 'mp001_p_mp_flag01x',                                -- Flag prop model (placed at the claim location)
FlagSpawnDisatnce = 800.0,                                      -- Distance to spawn the flag and war effects from the claim location

UIPrompt / Keybind

You can enable/disable UIPrompts (will use DrawText instead). You can also change the key required to interact.

UIPrompts = true,                                               -- Enable or disable UI prompts (is disabled then DrawText will be used instead)
Keypress = 0x17BEC168,                                          -- Interact key (E)


These are the settings for unclaimed zones. If enabled, peds will spawn to protect unclaimed zones when a player attempts to claim the zone. You can control the random weapons they will spawn with, the ped model, the total peds to spawn and the amount max alive.

Peds = {
    enable = true,                                              -- Enable or disable peds in unclaimed zones
    pedModel = 'cs_strawberryoutlaw_01',                        -- Ped model
    totalPeds = 12,                                             -- Max peds to spawn
    maxPeds = 4,                                                -- Max peds alive at once
    weapons = {                                                 -- Weapons to give to the peds


This is displayed at the flag location. You can disable but I highly recommend keeping enabled. It will flash when a zone is being disputed.

Blip = {
    enable = true,                                              -- Enable or disable blips
    sprite = -1125110489,                                       -- Blip sprite


Enable/Disable TxAdsmin integration. This will disable the ability to declare new wars before server restarts.

TxAdmin = true,                                                 -- Enable or disable declaring wars before server restarts


Adjust various timers.

  • claim: The amount of time it takes to claim the zone

  • upkeep: The amount of time a zone remains inactive before it is set to unclaimed

  • war: The amount of time after a declaration of war before peace can be declared

Timers = {
    claim = 60*5,                                               -- Time in seconds before a zone can be claimed (5 minutes)
    upkeep = 60*60*2,                                           -- Time in seconds to maintain the zone before it becomes unclaimed (2 hours)
    war = 60*60*2,                                              -- Time in seconds before a declaration can be ended (2 hours)

Requirements / Restrictions

You can adjust the required members to be inside of the claim radius and alive to keep the claim active. Otherwise it is reset. You can also enable/disable whether or not a player can declare war on a gang while being in their zone (I recommend keeping this false).

RequiredMembers = 1,                                            -- Required members to claim a zone (After 10 seconnds of starting)
DeclareInsideZone = false,                                      -- Enable or disable declaring wars inside of the op gangs zone 

Default Zone Color

This is the default color used for unclaimed zones. You can find all of the "blip_modifier_mp_color" examples here.

DefaultZoneColor = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_32',                 -- Default zone color (used when no gang is present, set to false for none)


This is where you will configure the zones.

  • enable: Enable/Disable this zone

  • label: The label text for this zone

  • claim: The location (vec3) where the flag will be spawned.

  • claimDistance: This is the radius which players are registered as "inside" while claiming

 Zones = {
        enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
        label = 'Roanoke Ridge',                                -- Zone name
        claim = vector3(2463.5, 1752.33, 86.53),                -- Zone claim vector3
        claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
        mapHash = 0x30FAE29B,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        districtHash = 178647645,                               -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)

Full Configuration

This is already included in the resource. Use this as a backup or an example

Config = {
    EnableDev = false,                                              -- Enable or disable dev mode (true = enable, false = disable)

    Locale = 'en',                                                  -- Language (en)

    VorpMenu = 'vorp_menu',                                         -- Vorp Menu resource name
    VorpMenuPosition = 'top',                                       -- Menu position (left, top-left, top, right, top-right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left)
    SelectedCharacterEvent = 'vorp:SelectedCharacter',              -- Server side event triggered when character is selected

    FlagProp = 'mp001_p_mp_flag01x',                                -- Flag prop model (placed at the claim location)

    UIPrompts = true,                                               -- Enable or disable UI prompts (is disabled then DrawText will be used instead)
    Keypress = 0x17BEC168,                                          -- Interact key (E)

    FlagSpawnDisatnce = 800.0,                                      -- Distance to spawn the flag and war effects from the claim location

    Peds = {
        enable = true,                                              -- Enable or disable peds in unclaimed zones
        pedModel = 'cs_strawberryoutlaw_01',                        -- Ped model
        totalPeds = 12,                                             -- Max peds to spawn
        maxPeds = 4,                                                -- Max peds alive at once
        weapons = {                                                 -- Weapons to give to the peds

    Blip = {
        enable = true,                                              -- Enable or disable blips
        sprite = -1125110489,                                       -- Blip sprite

    DefaultZoneColor = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_32',                 -- Default zone color (used when no gang is present, set to false for none) 

    TxAdmin = true,                                                 -- Enable or disable declaring wars before server restarts

    Timers = {
        claim = 60*5,                                               -- Time in seconds before a zone can be claimed (5 minutes)
        upkeep = 60*60*2,                                           -- Time in seconds to maintain the zone before it becomes unclaimed (2 hours)
        war = 60*60*2,                                              -- Time in seconds before a declaration can be ended (2 hours)

    RequiredMembers = 1,                                            -- Required members to claim a zone (After 10 seconnds of starting)

    DeclareInsideZone = false,                                       -- Enable or disable declaring wars inside of the op gangs zone 
    Zones = {
        ROANOKE_RIDGE = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Roanoke Ridge',                                -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(2463.5, 1752.33, 86.53),                -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x30FAE29B,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 178647645,                               -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Cumberland Forest',                            -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(1691.5, 1457.5, 86.53),                 -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x717F4A96,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 1835499550,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        GRIZZLIES_EAST = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Grizzlies East',                               -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(420.62, 2233.74, 254.58),               -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x943198D3,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = -120156735,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        GRIZZLIES_WEST = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Grizzlies West',                               -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-1763.54, 1697.45, 237.97),             -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0xD41D039A,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 1645618177,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        HEARTLANDS = {
            enable = false,                                         -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Heartlands',                                   -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(651.15, -104.37, 149.87),               -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x724E7654,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 131399519,                               -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Bluewater Marsh',                              -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(2273.89, -369.26, 42.42),               -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x024C01CA,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 1308232528,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        BAYOU_NWA = {
            enable = false,                                         -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Bayou Nwa',                                    -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(1929.88, -733.92, 43.84),               -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x2843E325,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 2025841068,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Scarlett Meadows',                             -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(677.1, -999.46, 53.42),                 -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x0BB92EEF,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = -864275692,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        CHOLLA_SPRINGS = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Cholla Springs',                               -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-4571.47, -2750.67, -10.21),            -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x99B6A1E6,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = -108848014,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        GAPTOOTH_RIDGE = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Gaptooth Ridge',                               -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-5693.57, -3362.11, -22.48),            -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x3AC128F9,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = -2066240242,                             -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Hennigans Stead',                              -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-2559.88, -2871.74, 71.21),             -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x33D88587,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 892930832,                               -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        RIO_BRAVO = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Rio Bravo',                                    -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-4687.67, -3759.55, 13.06),             -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0xD428627B,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = -2145992129,                             -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        BIG_VALLEY = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Big Valley',                                   -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-2764.69, 116.17, 164.47),              -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x8DCC574F,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 822658194,                               -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        GREAT_PLAINS = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Great Plains',                                 -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-1580.18, -1683.26, 79.75),             -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x0E95FF51,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 476637847,                               -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
        TALL_TREES = {
            enable = true,                                          -- Enable or disable the zone
            label = 'Tall Trees',                                   -- Zone name
            claim = vector3(-2695.19, -1501.75, 151.64),            -- Zone claim vector3
            claimDistance = 50.0,                                   -- Claim distance
            mapHash = 0x763A8A87,                                   -- Zone hash (DO NOT CHANGE)
            districtHash = 1684533001,                              -- Zone district hash (DO NOT CHANGE)

Last updated