Dev Mode

You can enable/disable dev mode. It will generate some print info within console. Never should have this enabled in a live server

DevMode = false, -- Enable/Disable DevMode


You can change the language of the notifications and other plain text elements of this resource.

Note: English is provided and it can be translated to anything that you wish.

Locale = 'en', -- Locale to use


Change export names of required resources and event names. If you do not know what you're doing or you haven't modified anything.. ignore this!

FrameworkExportName = 'vorp_core', -- Export name for the framework
FrameworkSelectedCharacter = 'vorp:SelectedCharacter', -- Server side event triggered when character is selected

InventoryExportName = 'vorp_inventory', -- Export name for the inventory
InventoryOpenEvent = 'vorp_inventory:OpenInv', -- Event to open the inventory

MenuExportName = 'vorp_menu', -- Export name for the menu

Distance Settings

Adjust the distance in which equipment spawns/despawns client side as well as smoke. You can also adjust the distance for the interact UI prompts. You shouldn't need to adjust these but can if needed.

DistanceToSpawn = 100.0, -- Distance to spawn and despawn equipment
DistanceToSpawnSmoke = 1000.0, -- Distance to spawn and despawn smoke
DistanceEquipmentPrompt = 2.0, -- Distance to show the prompt to interact with equipment

Time Settings

You can modify/adjust the times in which interactions are required and times which equipment "expires" This will determine the time displayed via the UIPrompt

StillTime = 60*60*4, -- Time in seconds to produce a batch of moonshine (Def: 4 Hours)
StillMaintenanceTime = 60*60, -- Time in seconds to maintain the still (Def: 1 Hour)
StillExpire = 60*60*1.5, -- Time in seconds to produce a batch of moonshine until the batch is no longer good (Def: 12 Hours)

MashTime = 60*60*2, -- Time in seconds until mash is fermented (Def: 2 Hours)
MashMaintenanceTime = 60*30, -- Time in seconds to stir the mash (Def: 30 Minutes)
MashExpire = 60*60, -- Time in seconds that a mash expires when not stirred (Def: 1 Hour)

Delete Settings

You can adjust when database records are purged to remove any idle equipment placed around the map. This will keep your table footprint small.

DeleteEquipment = true, -- Enable/Disable Equipment Deletion
DeleteEquipmentDestroyed = true, -- Enable/Disable Equipment Deletion when destroyed on startup
DeleteEquipmentTime = 60*60*24, -- Time in seconds to remove idle equipment on startup (Def: 24 Hours) Should always be higher than the StillTime and MashTime


You can customize the shop locations. By default they're located in the moonshine shacks from RDO. You can change the ped model that spawns, interaction distance, and the scenario that the ped performs upon spawn. Note: You can also disable the shops entirely

EnableShop = true, -- Enable/Disable Shop

Shops = {
    { -- Lemoyne
        coords = vector4(1790.8, -818.87, 189.4, 39.46),    -- Coords for the shop/ped
        model = 'mp_a_m_m_moonshinemakers_01',              -- Model for the ped
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_BARTENDER_CLEAN_GLASS'      -- Scenario for the ped
    { -- Cattail Pond
        coords = vector4(-1091.76, 713.63, 81.04, 203.94),
        model = 'mp_a_m_m_moonshinemakers_01',
    { -- New Austin
        coords = vector4(-2773.89, -3044.34, -11.9, 143.3),
        model = 'mp_a_m_m_moonshinemakers_01',
    { -- Hanover
        coords = vector4(1631.58, 827.38, 121.74, 43.62),
        model = 'mp_a_m_m_moonshinemakers_01',
    { -- Manzanita Post
        coords = vector4(-1866.32, -1726.55, 86.06, 221.28),
        model = 'mp_a_m_m_moonshinemakers_01',

Shop Menu

Change the image path used for item images. This should match the inventory resource and location the images are stored so that they can be displayed within the purchase menu. You can also change the currency required for supplies and/or mash. 0 = Cash 1 = Gold 2 = Rol

InventoryImagePath = 'nui://vorp_inventory/html/img/items/', -- Image path for the shop menu
SuppliesCurrency = 1, -- Currency to use for buying supplies
MashCurrency = 1, -- Currency to use for buying mash


Change the item name, price, durability that is removed upon dismantling, and prop names when spawned in world. I wouldn't recommend changing the props as it will mess up animation positions

Supplies = {
    Still = {   -- Still Kit (DO NOT CHANGE)
        itemName = 'resource_still_kit', -- Item Name
        label = 'Still Kit',        -- Item Label
        price = 100,            -- Price
        removeDurability = 10,  -- Durability to remove when dismantled
        prop = 'mp006_p_moonshiner_still03x',   -- Prop to spawn (I SUGGEST NOT TO CHANGE THIS)
        prop_destroyed = 'mp006_p_moonshiner_still03x_dmg', -- Prop to spawn when destroyed (I SUGGEST NOT TO CHANGE THIS)
    Mash = {    -- Mash Bucket (DO NOT CHANGE)
        itemName = 'resource_still_bucket', -- Item Name
        label = 'Mash Bucket',       -- Item Label
        price = 5,            -- Price
        removeDurability = 10, -- Durability to remove when dismantled OR collected
        prop = 'p_barrelhalf02x',   -- Prop to spawn (I SUGGEST NOT TO CHANGE THIS)


This is where you can configure the different mash items

You can adjust the price, enable/disable shop purchase, required items for fermenting, and the brew reward when still process is completed. Note: I have 11 different mash items and moonshine's pre-configured. Modify to fit your servers needs

Mash = {    -- DO NOT CHANGE
    ['consumable_mash_apple'] = { -- Mash Item Name
        label = 'Apple Mash',     -- Mash Label
        price = 10,               -- Price
        requiredItems = {         -- Required Items to make the mash
            ['herb_sugar'] = 1,   -- Item Name = Quantity
            ['grain_wheat'] = 1,
            ['corn'] = 3,
        brewRewards = {            -- Rewards for brewing the mash (Item Name = Quantity [Min, Max])
            ['consumable_alcohol_moonshine_apple'] = {min = 3, max = 5}
        allowShop = true            -- Allow to buy from the shop


You can enable or disable this feature. Leaving enabled will make sure that the RDO shacks are loaded and add enter/exit prompts so that a player can enter/leave the locations where the shops are located.

If you have another resource that handles this you can disable this.

EnableShacks = true, -- Enable/Disable Moonshine Shacks (Interior Sets, Telports | From RDO)
Shacks = { -- Moonshine Shacks from RDO
    {  -- Lemoyne
        enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable this Shack
        outside = vector4(1784.9, -821.61, 42.86, 133.49), -- Outside Location
        inside = vector4(1785.08, -821.59, 192.6, 319.95), -- Inside Location  
        id = 77313, -- Interior ID
        sets = { -- Interior Sets
    { -- Cattail Pond
        enabled = true,
        outside = vector4(-1085.54, 714.19, 104.32, 295.7),
        inside = vector4(-1085.09, 714.49, 84.23, 119.49),
        id = 77569,
        sets = {
    { -- New Austin
        enabled = true,
        outside = vector4(-2769.43, -3048.77, 11.38, 243.97),
        inside = vector4(-2769.05, -3048.96, -8.7, 64.41),
        id = 78337,
        sets = {
    { -- Hanover
        enabled = true,
        outside = vector4(1627.71, 822.78, 145.03, 156.17),
        inside = vector4(1627.42, 822.29, 124.94, 337.55),
        id = 78593,
        sets = {

    { -- Manzanita Post
        enabled = true,
        outside = vector4(-1861.96, -1722.4, 109.35, 329.4),
        inside = vector4(-1861.7, -1722.17, 89.25, 151.24),
        id = 77825,
        sets = {


You can change the key hashes for each UIPrompt (If you dont know what you're doing here.. I suggest leaving it alone)

Keys = {
    shack = 0x17BEC168, -- E
    store = 0x17BEC168, -- E
    build = 0x4CC0E2FE, -- B
    still = 0x17BEC168, -- E
    mash = 0x17BEC168, -- E
    collect = 0x760A9C6F, -- G
    fill = 0xB2F377E8, -- F
    destroy = 0xB2F377E8, -- F
    cancel = 0x8CC9CD42, -- X
    up = 0x6319DB71, -- Up Arrow
    down = 0x05CA7C52, -- Down Arrow
    left = 0xA65EBAB4, -- Left Arrow
    right = 0xDEB34313, -- Right Arrow
    rotater = 0xE3BF959B, -- R
    rotatel = 0xD51B784F, -- E
    ground = 0xB238FE0B, -- Tab

Last updated