Dev Mode
You can enable/disable dev mode. It will generate some print info within console. Never should have this enabled in a live server
EnableDev = false, -- Enable/Disable DevMode
You can change the language of the notifications and other plain text elements of this resource.
Note: English is provided and it can be translated to anything that you wish.
Locale = 'en', -- Locale to use
Adjust the time between each bank robbery attempt at the same location and separate locations.
Cooldowns = {
reset = 60*60*1, -- (Resets vault doors annd locks bank doors) 1 hours
bank = 60*60*2, -- (Time between each bank robbery attempt at the same location) 2 hours
global = 60*30, -- 30 minutes
Reset Command
Enable/disable reset command. You can also adjust who have permission to use the command. Using the command will reset cooldowns and close vault doors.
ResetCommand = { -- Reset bank command
enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable the command
command = 'resetbank', -- Command
groups = { -- Staff group that can use the command (VORP)
['admin'] = true,
acePerm = 'bankrobbery.reset', --Ace permission that can use the command
jobs = { -- Jobs that can use the command
['ValSheriff'] = true
Explosive Item
This is the item name that will be checked and removed when planting the explosive device in order to blow the vault door open. You can change this to whatever you'd like as long as it exists within your framework
RequiredExplosiveItem = 'dynamite', -- Required item to plant the explosive
Start Settings
Require a bandana to start the robbery, and modify a list of weapons that can be used to trigger the robbery
RequireBandana = true, -- Require bandana to start
RequiredWeapon = { -- Required weapon to start robbing the bank
[`WEAPON_PISTOL_M1899`] = true,
Stay Inside
While the resource will check the distance that the starting player has moved from the starting location and automatically ending the mission if too far, however you can also require the player to stay inside the bank at all times.
StayInside = true, -- Stay inside the bank while robbing
Ped Weapons
You can control the list of weapons peds that spawn can have during the mission.
PedWeapons = { -- Weapons for the peds
Setup groups of rewards for each bank or share groups with multiple banks, whatever you decide.
Rewards = { -- Rewards
['rewards1'] = { -- Reward table key
label = 'Something', -- Label
itemName = '', -- Item name (Set to false disable)
currency = 0, -- Currency (0 = Cash, 1 = Gold, 0 = Rol [VORP]) (set to false to disable)
amount = {min = 4, max = 8},-- Amount range (min, max)
chance = 80 -- Chance (1-100)
Configure each bank separately
start - Starting location (where the robbery needs to be started).
startRange - Max distance from starting location that the robbery can be started.
hours - open/close to control when the bank can be robbed (set to false for 24/7).
requiredJobs - control what on duty jobs (if any) are required to start the robbery.
enabled - enable/disable the requirement.
onDuty - amount of players needed to be on duty.
jobs - table containing all the job names required.
peds - control the peds that will spawned (if enabled) during the robbery.
enabled - enable/disable peds.
max - max total peds that will spawn each wave.
perWave - max peds spawned at any given time during each wave.
waves - total waves each "round" (There's two rounds, at the start and when the explosive is planted).
timeBetweenWaves - {min = ?, max = ?} mix/max time between each wave.
pedModel - the ped model that will be spawned.
spawns - a table containing all the possible spawn locations for the peds.
vault - this is the main vault door that needs to be blown open.
hash - vault door hash (this resource will handle the locking and unlocking of the main vault)
detonationnTimer - amount in milliseconds until detonation .
plantLocation - vec4 coords to place the player and display prompt.
placement - control the coords and rotation the explosive object will be placed.
loot - these are all of the locations that can be looted inside of the main vault.
crackAnimation - Internal functions (CrackSmallVault, CrackMedVault).
openAnim - Internal functions (OpenSmallVault, OpenMedVault).
lootAnim - Internal functions (LootSmallVault, LootMedVault).
doors - IGNORE THIS IF YOU DO NOT USE GS_DOORLOCKS or configure for your door script.
The rest follows the api documented here;
Banks = { -- Banks
['Valentine'] = {
start = vector3(-308.51, 777.53, 118.7), -- Start position
startRange = 20.0, -- Start range
hours = { -- Bank hours (24h format, set to false for 24/7)
open = 7,
close = 22
requiredJobs = { -- Required jobs onduty to start the robbery
enabled = false, -- Enable/Disable
onDuty = 4, -- Required onduty
jobs = { -- Jobs
['ValSheriff'] = true -- Job name
peds = { -- Peds (Spawn durring the robbery)
enabled = true,
max = 10, -- Max total peds each wave
perWave = 5, -- Max peds spawned at once each wave
waves = 2, -- Total waves
timeBetweenWaves = {min = 20, max = 60}, -- Time between each wave (min, max)
pedModel = 'a_m_m_huntertravelers_cool_01', -- Ped model
spawns = { -- Ped spawns (Randomized)(vec3)
vector3(-331.44, 777.55, 117.36),
vector3(-316.29, 800.46, 117.75),
vector3(-292.93, 767.67, 118.78),
vector3(-294.78, 784.13, 119.29),
vector3(-300.19, 797.73, 118.46),
vector3(-306.34, 800.38, 118.98),
vector3(-314.2, 768.21, 117.95),
vector3(-315.87, 776.31, 118.04)
vault = { -- Vault
hash = 576950805, -- Vault door hash
detonationTimer = 120000, -- Detonation timer
plantLocation = vector4(-307.32, 767.0, 118.7, 198.22), -- Plant location
placement = { -- Placement
pos = vec3(-307.21, 766.46, 119.08000183105469), -- Position
rot = vec3(-19, 0, -79) -- Rotation
loot = { -- Lootable Vaults
[1] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault', -- Crack animation (IGNORE)
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault', -- Open animation (IGNORE)
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault', -- Loot animation (IGNORE)
vault = { -- Vault (Set to false to disable if its a static vault *NO MODEL*)
model = 's_vault_sml_r_val01x', -- Vault model
pos = vec3(-307.885986328125, 762.310546875, 118.51991271972656), -- Vault position
rot = vec3(0, 0, -169.99998474121094), -- Vault rotation
offset = false -- Rotation Offset (vec3 for a custom rotation offset, set to false to disable)
pos = vector4(-308.31, 762.77, 118.7, 189.51), -- Prompt position
rewards = 'rewards1' -- Reward table key
--------------------- IGNORE THIS IF YOU USE A DIFFERENT DOOR SCRIPT AND NOT GS_DOORLOCKS ---------------------------
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
doors = {
name = 'Valentine Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['ValSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(-301.9361877441406, 771.751953125, 117.72990417480469),
hash = 2343746133,
model = 'p_gate_valbankvlt',
Conntrol what keys are required for interactions
Keys = {
PlantExplosive = 0x17BEC168, -- E
OpenVault = 0x17BEC168, -- E
Full Configuration
This is already included in the resource. Use this as a backup or an example
Config = {
EnableDev = false, -- Enable/Disable Dev Mode
Locale = 'en', -- Locale
Cooldowns = {
reset = 60*60*1, -- (Resets vault doors annd locks bank doors) 1 hours
bank = 60*60*2, -- (Time between each bank robbery attempt at the same location) 2 hours
global = 60*30, -- 30 minutes
ResetCommand = { -- Reset bank command
enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable the command
command = 'resetbank', -- Command
groups = { -- Staff group that can use the command (VORP)
['admin'] = true,
acePerm = 'bankrobbery.reset', --Ace permission that can use the command
jobs = { -- Jobs that can use the command
['ValSheriff'] = true
RequiredExplosiveItem = 'dynamite', -- Required item to plant the explosive
RequireBandana = true, -- Require bandana to start
StayInside = true, -- Stay inside the bank while robbing
RequiredWeapon = { -- Required weapon to start robbing the bank
[`WEAPON_PISTOL_M1899`] = true,
PedWeapons = { -- Weapons for the peds
Rewards = { -- Rewards
['Valentine'] = { -- Reward tablee name
label = 'Gold', -- Label
itemName = false, -- Item name (Set to false disable)
currency = 1, -- Currency (0 = Cash, 1 = Gold, 0 = Rol [VORP]) (set to false to disable)
amount = {min = 4, max = 8},-- Amount range (min, max)
chance = 80 -- Chance (1-100)
label = 'Cash', -- Label
itemName = false, -- Item name (Set to false disable)
currency = 0, -- Currency (0 = Cash, 1 = Gold, 0 = Rol [VORP]) (set to false to disable)
amount = {min = 10, max = 20}, -- Amount range (min, max)
chance = 100 -- Chance (1-100)
label = 'Gold Nuggets', -- Label
itemName = 'resource_gold_nugget', -- Item name (Set to false disable)
currency = false, -- Currency (0 = Cash, 1 = Gold, 0 = Rol [VORP]) (set to false to disable)
amount = {min = 4, max = 8},-- Amount range (min, max)
chance = 50 -- Chance (1-100)
label = 'Legendary Alligator Skin', -- Label
itemName = 'resource_skin_alligator_legendary_sun', -- Item name (Set to false disable)
currency = false, -- Currency (0 = Cash, 1 = Gold, 0 = Rol [VORP]) (set to false to disable)
amount = {min = 1, max = 2},-- Amount range (min, max)
chance = 20 -- Chance (1-100)
label = 'Legendary Bear Skin', -- Label
itemName = 'resource_skin_bear_legendary_owiza', -- Item name (Set to false disable)
currency = false, -- Currency (0 = Cash, 1 = Gold, 0 = Rol [VORP]) (set to false to disable)
amount = {min = 1, max = 2},-- Amount range (min, max)
chance = 20 -- Chance (1-100)
label = 'Gold Flakes', -- Label
itemName = 'resource_gold_flakes', -- Item name (Set to false disable)
currency = false, -- Currency (0 = Cash, 1 = Gold, 0 = Rol [VORP]) (set to false to disable)
amount = {min = 10, max = 20}, -- Amount range (min, max)
chance = 90 -- Chance (1-100)
Banks = { -- Banks
------------------------------------------------ VALENTINE BANK -----------------------------------------------------
['Valentine'] = {
start = vector3(-308.51, 777.53, 118.7), -- Start position
startRange = 20.0, -- Start range
hours = { -- Bank hours (24h format, set to false for 24/7)
open = 7,
close = 22
requiredJobs = { -- Required jobs onduty to start the robbery
enabled = false, -- Enable/Disable
onDuty = 4, -- Required onduty
jobs = { -- Jobs
['ValSheriff'] = true -- Job name
vault = { -- Vault
hash = 576950805, -- Vault door hash
detonationTimer = 120000, -- Detonation timer
plantLocation = vector4(-307.32, 767.0, 118.7, 198.22), -- Plant location
placement = { -- Placement
pos = vec3(-307.21, 766.46, 119.08000183105469), -- Position
rot = vec3(-19, 0, -79) -- Rotation
peds = { -- Peds (Spawn durring the robbery)
enabled = true,
max = 10, -- Max total peds each wave
perWave = 5, -- Max peds spawned at once each wave
waves = 2, -- Total waves
timeBetweenWaves = {min = 20, max = 60}, -- Time between each wave (min, max)
pedModel = 'a_m_m_huntertravelers_cool_01', -- Ped model
spawns = { -- Ped spawns (Randomized)(vec3)
vector3(-331.44, 777.55, 117.36),
vector3(-316.29, 800.46, 117.75),
vector3(-292.93, 767.67, 118.78),
vector3(-294.78, 784.13, 119.29),
vector3(-300.19, 797.73, 118.46),
vector3(-306.34, 800.38, 118.98),
vector3(-314.2, 768.21, 117.95),
vector3(-315.87, 776.31, 118.04)
loot = { -- Lootable Vaults
[1] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault', -- Crack animation (IGNORE)
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault', -- Open animation (IGNORE)
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault', -- Loot animation (IGNORE)
vault = { -- Vault (Set to false to disable if its a static vault *NO MODEL*)
model = 's_vault_sml_r_val01x', -- Vault model
pos = vec3(-307.885986328125, 762.310546875, 118.51991271972656), -- Vault position
rot = vec3(0, 0, -169.99998474121094), -- Vault rotation
offset = false -- Rotation Offset (vec3 for a custom rotation offset, set to false to disable)
pos = vector4(-308.31, 762.77, 118.7, 189.51), -- Prompt position
rewards = 'Valentine' -- Reward table key
[2] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault', -- Crack animation (IGNORE)
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault', -- Open animation (IGNORE)
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault', -- Loot animation (IGNORE)
vault = { -- Vault (Set to false to disable if its a static vault *NO MODEL*) -- Vault
model = 's_vault_sml_r_val01x', -- Vault model
pos = vec3(-309.09796142578125, 765.6151123046875, 118.51708984375), -- Vault position
rot = vec3(0, 0, 10.10358619689941), -- Vault rotation
offset = false -- Rotation Offset (vec3 for a custom rotation offset, set to false to disable)
pos = vector4(-308.61, 765.04, 118.7, 9.07), -- Prompt position
rewards = 'Valentine' -- Reward table key
[3] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault', -- Crack animation (IGNORE)
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault', -- Open animation (IGNORE)
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = { -- Vault (Set to false to disable if its a static vault *NO MODEL*)
model = 's_vault_med_r_val01x', -- Vault model
pos = vec3(-309.60662841796875, 764.5457763671875, 117.80964660644531), -- Vault position
rot = vec3(0, 0, 99.8592300415039), -- Vault rotation
offset = false -- Rotation Offset (vec3 for a custom rotation offset, set to false to disable)
pos = vector4(-309.14, 764.98, 118.7, 99.89), -- Prompt position
rewards = 'Valentine' -- Reward table key
[4] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault', -- Crack animation (IGNORE)
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault', -- Open animation (IGNORE)
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault', -- Loot animation (IGNORE)
vault = { -- Vault (Set to false to disable if its a static vault *NO MODEL*)
model = 's_vault_med_r_val01x', -- Vault model
pos = vec3(-309.4143981933594, 763.497802734375, 117.80964660644531), -- Vault position
rot = vec3(0, 0, 99.99999237060547), -- Vault rotation
offset = false -- Rotation Offset (vec3 for a custom rotation offset, set to false to disable)
pos = vector4(-308.96, 763.93, 118.7, 99.56), -- Prompt position
rewards = 'Valentine' -- Reward table key
[5] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault', -- Crack animation (IGNORE)
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault', -- Open animation (IGNORE)
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault', -- Loot animation (IGNORE)
vault = { -- Vault (Set to false to disable if its a static vault *NO MODEL*)
model = 's_vault_med_r_val01x', -- Vault model
pos = vec3(-309.233154296875, 762.4443359375, 117.81324768066406), -- Vault position
rot = vec3(0, 0, 100.024169921875), -- Vault rotation
offset = false -- Rotation Offset (vec3 for a custom rotation offset, set to false to disable)
pos = vector4(-308.68, 762.91, 118.7, 98.49), -- Prompt position
rewards = 'Valentine' -- Reward table key
--------------------- IGNORE THIS IF YOU USE A DIFFERENT DOOR SCRIPT AND NOT GS_DOORLOCKS ---------------------------
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
doors = {
name = 'Valentine Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['ValSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(-301.9361877441406, 771.751953125, 117.72990417480469),
hash = 2343746133,
model = 'p_gate_valbankvlt',
name = 'Valentine Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['ValSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(-311.7406311035156, 774.6756591796875, 117.72991180419922),
hash = 1340831050,
model = 'p_gate_valbankvlt',
name = 'Valentine Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['ValSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(-311.0597839355469, 770.1240234375, 117.70217895507812),
hash = 3718620420,
model = 'p_door_val_bank01',
name = 'Valentine Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['ValSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(-302.9228210449219, 767.6043090820312, 117.69805145263672),
hash = 334467483,
model = 'p_door_val_bank01',
name = 'Valentine Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['ValSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(-301.510009765625, 762.9834594726562, 117.73312377929688),
hash = 2307914732,
model = 'p_doorsldprtn01x',
------------------------------------------------- ST DENIS BANK -----------------------------------------------------
['StDenis'] = {
start = vector3(2645.78, -1295.61, 52.25),
startRange = 20.0,
hours = {
open = 7,
close = 22
requiredJobs = {
enabled = false,
onDuty = 4,
jobs = {
['SDPolice'] = true
peds = {
enabled = true,
max = 10,
perWave = 5,
waves = 2,
timeBetweenWaves = {min = 20, max = 60}, -- 20-40 seconds
pedModel = 'a_m_m_huntertravelers_cool_01',
spawns = {
vector3(2650.17, -1282.24, 52.28),
vector3(2639.2, -1304.78, 51.49),
vector3(2643.4, -1313.05, 50.96),
vector3(2628.22, -1274.68, 52.26),
vector3(2642.71, -1267.85, 52.27)
vault = {
hash = 1751238140,
detonationTimer = 120000,
plantLocation = vector4(2644.05, -1299.95, 52.25, 159.82),
placement = {
pos = vec3(2643.81005859375, -1300.5899658203125, 52.6500015258789),
rot = vec3(15, -23.99999618530273, 70)
loot = {
[1] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault',
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault',
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_sml_r_val01x_high',
pos = vec3(2644.766357421875, -1303.274169921875, 52.06300735473633),
rot = vec3(0, 0, -65.0005874633789),
offset = vec3(0, 0, -182),
pos = vector4(2644.24, -1303.98, 52.25, 296.33),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[2] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault',
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault',
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_med_r_val01x_high',
pos = vec3(2641.291015625, -1303.770263671875, 51.35300827026367),
rot = vec3(0, 0, 114),
offset = vec3(0, 0, -164),
pos = vector4(2641.77, -1303.12, 52.25, 114.63),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[3] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault',
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault',
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_lrg_r_val01x_high',
pos = vec3(2645.168701171875, -1306.611328125, 51.37938690185547),
rot = vec3(0, 0, -154.9999542236328),
offset = vec3(0, 0, -173),
pos = vector4(2644.14, -1306.3, 52.25, 202.72),
rewards = 'Valentine'
--------------------- IGNORE THIS IF YOU USE A DIFFERENT DOOR SCRIPT AND NOT GS_DOORLOCKS ---------------------------
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
doors = {}
------------------------------------------------ BLACKWATER BANK ----------------------------------------------------
['Blackwater'] = {
start = vector3(-812.92, -1278.06, 43.64),
startRange = 15.0,
hours = { -- Bank hours (24h format, set to false for 24/7)
open = 7,
close = 22
requiredJobs = {
enabled = false,
onDuty = 4,
jobs = {
['BWSheriff'] = true
peds = {
enabled = true,
max = 10,
perWave = 5,
waves = 2,
timeBetweenWaves = {min = 20, max = 60}, -- 20-40 seconds
pedModel = 'a_m_m_huntertravelers_cool_01',
spawns = {
vector3(-821.15, -1279.0, 43.64),
vector3(-807.79, -1284.33, 43.66),
vector3(-809.39, -1263.86, 43.67),
vector3(-791.38, -1264.48, 43.63),
vector3(-792.15, -1276.67, 43.64),
vector3(-808.06, -1291.93, 43.66)
vault = {
hash = 1462330364,
detonationTimer = 120000,
plantLocation = vector4(-817.28, -1273.83, 43.65, 98.85),
placement = {
pos = vec3(-817.75, -1273.81005859375, 44.0400009155273),
rot = vec3(-13.99999809265136, 26.99999809265136, 180)
loot = {
[1] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault',
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault',
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault',
vault = false,
pos = vector4(-821.02, -1273.7, 43.64, 82.28),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[2] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault',
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault',
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault',
vault = false,
pos = vector4(-820.99, -1274.59, 43.65, 88.39),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[3] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault',
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault',
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = false,
pos = vector4(-818.65, -1273.61, 43.66, 0.74),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[4] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault',
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault',
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = false,
pos = vector4(-820.06, -1273.44, 43.65, 2.83),
rewards = 'Valentine'
--------------------- IGNORE THIS IF YOU USE A DIFFERENT DOOR SCRIPT AND NOT GS_DOORLOCKS ---------------------------
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
doors = {
name = 'Blackwater Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['BWSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(-816.72528076172, -1276.7509765625, 42.641235351563),
hash = 2117902999,
model = 'p_gate_valbankvlt',
-------------------------------------------------- RHODES BANK ------------------------------------------------------
['Rhodes'] = {
start = vector3(1291.13, -1304.53, 77.04),
startRange = 15.0,
hours = { -- Bank hours (24h format, set to false for 24/7)
open = 7,
close = 22
requiredJobs = {
enabled = false,
onDuty = 4,
jobs = {
['RDSheriff'] = true
peds = {
enabled = true,
max = 10,
perWave = 5,
waves = 2,
timeBetweenWaves = {min = 20, max = 60}, -- 20-40 seconds
pedModel = 'a_m_m_huntertravelers_cool_01',
spawns = {
vector3(1296.76, -1317.7, 76.71),
vector3(1278.26, -1304.23, 76.48),
vector3(1305.16, -1270.67, 76.56),
vector3(1326.76, -1296.4, 76.99),
vector3(1306.48, -1307.87, 76.79),
vector3(1299.16, -1307.38, 76.54)
vault = {
hash = 3483244267,
detonationTimer = 120000,
plantLocation = vector4(1282.49, -1308.56, 77.04, 226.42),
placement = {
pos = vec3(1282.8900146484375, -1308.9, 77.41000366210938),
rot = vec3(-22, 0, -41.99997329711914)
loot = {
[1] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault',
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault',
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_sml_l_val_bent01x',
pos = vec3(1285.9586181640625, -1315.587646484375, 76.85285949707031),
rot = vec3(0, 0, 140.10348510742188),
pos = vector4(1286.65, -1315.51, 77.04, 135.38),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[2] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackSmallVault',
openAnim = 'OpenSmallVault',
lootAnim = 'LootSmallVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_sml_r_val_bent01x',
pos = vec3(1288.1990966796875, -1312.9212646484375, 76.85284423828125),
rot = vec3(0, 0, -39.82670211791992),
pos = vector4(1288.18, -1313.46, 77.04, 315.21),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[3] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault',
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault',
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_med_r_val_bent01x',
pos = vec3(1287.591552734375, -1315.7020263671875, 76.14519500732422),
rot = vec3(0, 0, -130.14077758789062),
pos = vector4(1286.98, -1315.75, 77.04, 238.45),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[4] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault',
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault',
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_med_r_val_bent02x',
pos = vec3(1288.2784423828125, -1314.883544921875, 76.14519500732422),
rot = vec3(0, 0, -130.14077758789062),
pos = vector4(1287.68, -1314.93, 77.04, 243.32),
rewards = 'Valentine'
[5] = {
crackAnim = 'CrackMedVault',
openAnim = 'OpenMedVault',
lootAnim = 'LootMedVault',
vault = {
model = 's_vault_med_r_val_bent01x',
pos = vec3(1288.96826171875, -1314.0614013671875, 76.14519500732422),
rot = vec3(0, 0, -130.14077758789062),
pos = vector4(1288.33, -1314.15, 77.04, 244.45),
rewards = 'Valentine'
--------------------- IGNORE THIS IF YOU USE A DIFFERENT DOOR SCRIPT AND NOT GS_DOORLOCKS ---------------------------
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
doors = {
name = 'Rhodes Bank',
locked = true,
lockedOnStart = true,
jobAccess = {
['RDSheriff'] = 0
charAccess = {},
itemNameAccess = false,
canLockpick = false,
alertLaw = true,
showPrompt = true,
door = {
coords = vector3(1285.1475830078, -1303.1185302734, 76.040069580078),
hash = 2058564250,
model = 'p_door13x',
Keys = {
PlantExplosive = 0x17BEC168, -- E
OpenVault = 0x17BEC168, -- E
Last updated